Friday, April 24, 2009

Inspired '09 Charm Swap Photos...

I hosted the Inspired 2009 Charm Swap and here are the lovely
charms the Ladies swapped...

Here are closer photos of the lovely creations these
ladies made to swap...

My apologies to Jilliene for misspelling her name on the sorting paper.

Amazing, huh?

Jeff surprised me by taking this picture of me sorting the charms on the
dinner table...

So I returned the favor! Ha!
This is the box was larger than this by the time we
were finished!

As soon as I get the bracelets for Donna and the teachers made I will
post pictures.



morningDove said...

oh my looking at those piles makes me appreciate you and your hubby more than ever. thanks so much for this fun swap. you guys are super.

Anonymous said...

Wow ... look at the mess when you have something the size of our charms. Imagine how much more crazy it is when it is journals or pages! Thank you VERY much for hosting this and organizing everything.

Renee D.

Katherine said...

Thanks!! It was more work than I had anticipated but it was totally worth it!! Can't wait to see y'all in NC in just a few short days!!


Angelique Goudeaux said...

Bless you Woman!