Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Gratitude Day 4

Day 4 (Tuesday)
1) A finished ‘work in progress’ landscape solution diagram
2) computer problems that Hubby can fix for others
3) digital camera
4) Brownie scouts in charge of the Flag Ceremony
5) Volunteers
6) our babysitter
7) short board meetings
8) great books
9) a full evening of pass-the-pig with the kids
10) hearty soup & fresh homemade bread
11) sheets fresh from the dryer -love that smell!
12) a clean kitchen
13) COFFEE (after an incredibly late night)
14) money to pay the bills
15) friendly strangers in line at the grocery store
16) Good Morning hugs/kisses
17) 1 week until the kids are home for Thanksgiving
18) inspiration to work on some canvases
19) clean/fresh smelling dogs
20) a purring cat in my lap during the late news

More later,

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